Monday, November 14, 2016

Whispers In The Mundane: Hearing God in Unlikely Places - Ashley Qualley

A couple months ago, summer did not so much fade away as it did come to a screeching halt. My lazy days at the pool with the kids were quickly traded in for trips to the store for school supplies and new clothes. I was on the cusp of having a brand spank'n new kindergarten kid, a part-time job, and new teaching gig. Every exciting thing felt thrown at me all at once and I walked a fine line between happy and crazy tears. But as is the case for many women, I'd brought much of the busy on myself.

"Yes, I want to step back into the working world! Sure! I can serve in that department. They're taking applications? I'm in!"

"No" isn't a word I lay down very often, partly because I don't want to miss out on an opportunity. I've got this one life! I also don't want to admit that I'm just not enough person to do ALL THE THINGS. Who's comfortable explaining that they can only give of themselves so much before they turn into a holy terror? (If you are this person, I'd like to shake your hand. I'm a wimp.)

While wasting time meant for acquiring the infamous wide-rule notebooks, I was getting lost on Instagram. I stumbled across a friend's pictures of a coffee mug and book sitting on a desk. The desk faced a window overlooking a lovely backyard. The whole setup was so serene. I just wanted to climb into the picture and hide out for a few days. These types of photos are a dime a dozen on social media. We all want to show off our little slice of heaven. But what caught me was her caption.


The phrase struck a chord with me. How often do we wish for a break in the rush of life? We promise ourselves when the day winds down or when we stumble upon a quiet moment, we'll carve out some rest and rejuvenation with our heavenly Father. This can add up to a lot of empty promises and a frazzled spirit.

I love the story of Elijah in 1 Kings. Elijah is pleading with the Lord after the Israelites have killed all of the prophets and are after him. The Lord has Elijah stand on a mountain while a great wind, then earthquake, and finally a fire occur.

"After the earthquake came a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper. When Elijah heard it, he pulled his cloak over his face and went out and stood at the mouth of the cave." I Kings 19:12-13

The imagery of this story absolutely chokes me up. I tend to be so sure that if I can't be bothered to slow down my fast-paced life, God will intervene and use something powerful and loud to project His voice. I don't often listen for Him to whisper to my heart when I'm playing taxi-driver for my children or during a week when I've been working at my church more than I've seen my husband. I assume the noise surrounding me and in my own head is so loud that God will have to be louder. But as it was true for Elijah, our Father is there, whispering to me in the most menial tasks and desires to draws me into his Holy presence.

Not even a week after coming across the Instagram picture, I found myself standing in line at the post office. I had a package in one hand and was holding a three year-old daughter in the other. Thanks to a full day, Hadley began to drift off on my shoulder and before I was to the front of the line, she was snoring softly in my ear. Despite the flickering florescent lights and sullen faces surrounding me, I was wonderfully shaken by the moment. I felt God turning my eyes from my task-filled day to a beautiful lesson. Hadley had no problem finding rest in the most unlikely moment. The post office is as mundane a place as one can get! Sister, God can do anything. He can whisper life-giving truths to your heart in the post office, while fighting your way through the grocery store, or in any situation that seems far from holy. He knows no bounds. God will not wait to teach you and grow you until you find what you deem as an appropriate meeting time with Him. It is up to us, however, to begin to tune our hearts to hear His voice in those unlikely moments and to greet Him as Elijah did.

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